Often when it comes to health and well-being we focus solely on physical fitness and ability or healthy diets.. however, many studies now recognise and promote the importance of both mind, body and soul when it comes to good health.
Here are a 8 simple ways to improve your health and well-being:
It’s free, it feels great… and better yet it can be infectious! When you smile, dopamine, endorphins and serotonin are all released into your bloodstream. These “feel good” chemicals help relax your body and lower both your heart rate and your blood pressure.
Set some time (even 5 minutes!) aside each day to rest your mind. Lie or sit down somewhere peaceful, close your eyes and clear your mind. Take note of the natural sounds and scents around you.
Worry less!
Think about, and focus on, the positive things you have going for you and appreciate them. Forget about issues or problems that are out of your control because they are, quite simply…out of your control!
Whenever you remember to, stop and take a deep breath. Feel your belly relax out as you breathe with your diaphragm, getting air deep into the base of your lungs. Avoid using your upper chest to breathe as this encourages shallow breathing and under-utilisation of your lungs. Over time this will become a healthy habit.
Find an exercise you enjoy and start doing it regularly. When you find a physical activity that you enjoy, getting fit no longer becomes a chore to be avoided but instead one that you actually want to engage in because it makes you feel so great!
Live your passion
Basically, just do more of what you love doing. Knitting, gardening, a cup of tea with a friends, listening to music, watching old Western movies – we won’t judge. Just do it as much as you can.
Spend more time with loved ones
In our busy lives we often neglect to put time aside to catch up with family and friends, so make an effort to put time aside for the people who matter to you the most.
Get plenty of it. Sleep is vital for the regenerative function of your body, and the more sleep you get the better you will perform the next day. When we sleep the mind rests while is sorts and stores memories from the day. At the same time the cells in your body go about their business repairing damaged tissue to ensure optimal function of your body and helping to balance and promote the well-being of your mind, body and soul. Bodies are pretty cool like that!
So, slowly start incorporating some or ALL of these ideas into your daily routine and wait and see how they positively impact your overall health.
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